Here's more proof, of my boy- enjoying what his sister enjoys:
Her new Minnie Mouse headband:
He was playing dress up with her, obviously he thought a tie should be worn under Snow Whites dress:
Her pretty princess tiara, he prefers this one over the Aurora tiara:
And her pink sunglasses, this is my fault, Autumn has 2 pairs, Weston what's a boy to do?
I don't encourage the bahavior, but I don't discourage it either. My husband, luckily, feels the same as I do. There will come a day (hopefully sometime before he starts school to avoid being picked on) that he will realize Princesses, Barbies, tiaras, dress up clothes, and pink sun glasses aren't his thing and they aren't fascinating anymore. He loves balls, cars, and playing in the dirt. So while he may enjoy his sisters things, he is all boy as well. We put the kids outside and Autumn grabs the bubble blower, her baby stroller, or sidewalk chalk and Weston looks for balls, the rocks and plays in the dirt. Thats when we see the differences in our girl and boy.
I don't think my husband cares because he grew smack dab between 3 sisters, he grew up playing with them, doing their hair, and having "sleep overs" in their room, because he loved the time with his sisters. But his mom will be the first to tell you, when he wasn't with them, he was outside with his dad in the yard or under the stairs playing in the mud. So while he enjoyed things his sisters did, he also loved the boyish things and to this day Drew will give me pedicures, and help me if I missed a section of hair when curling it, but he does constantly talk to Weston about fishing and hunting... I hope Weston has that quality too.