My beautiful Bailey Lynn is now 4 months old. These last 4 months have gone so fast, I think with each kid time goes quicker. I am not one to say slow the time down. I am enjoying it all and look forward to all the milestones each of my kids reach and will reach. She is sweet, happy, smiley, giggly, and beautiful. We have loved having 3 kids more than we thought we would. *Don't judge us, we have 3 and our oldest will be 4 years old next can be challenging at times with 3 so young.* She is a perfect balance, she has days where she is easy peasy and other days where she can be a little more demanding, but the demanding times are easy to handle because I know they won't stick around and she'll be easy again. I was complaining about Baileys (what seemed to be) patterned behavior during a specific time frame each day to my sister a while back and she said it was normal and a stage, and that now I have had them all..."one hard, one easy, and one typical." And my sister was right, what I thought she would turn into a bad habit, ended up being a stage and lasting only a few weeks.
I am grateful for this typical baby.
Yesterday we went to the dr. for her 4 month well check. Here's her stats:
Weight: 12.8 lbs (25th %)
Length: 23 3/4 in. (25th %)
Head Circum.: 40 1/4 cm (25th %)
This may seem small, but my other kids were smaller. She is consistent with her weight and growth, and most excitedly: we get to introduce rice cereal tonight.