Really? Can a person be this happy after just having a baby? When I was pregnant I totally forsaw myself being sad, sleep deprived, and frustrated (just like I was with Autumn when she was a newborn). But I made the comment to Drew the other day that I can't believe how happy I am, it hit me that the Lord truely knew I needed a kid like Weston. Had I have had another infant like Autumn I would be done having kids, this little guy makes me love having kids.

We were getting the kids out of the car and we noticed Autumn didn't have her shoes on anymore. She hates socks and shoes (like her Momma) and takes them off at any opportunity when her feet aren't on the ground. Apparently, this is where she thought they should go.

The kid cracks me up too. Look at this. One leg under the blanket, the other over. How does he do this stuff? I love that he is a back sleeper, and sleeps through anything. And is awesome in the car. We still struggle with Autumn. But this kid! Passes out and you don't even realize he is in the car with you.

We have been very blessed with many meals, and many small acts of service. The past 3 weeks have been very good for us.
The next few weeks hold some more challenges with us, Drew is getting his tonsils out, and will be in bed for about 2 weeks. So not only do I get to care for 2 babies, but my poor sick husband will be on a liquid diet and unable to do most things. It saddens me to know he will be here at home, but unable to help me out (I am so spoiled...). We hope that with his tonsils coming out he will be a new man, and not be sick as often as he is. I love Drew and pray that this is the answer to all of his illness problems.

Drew and Weston just hanging out.
I love easy babies! I am so glad the transition was so good for you and the family.
Plus he is super cute--no wonder you are so happy.
Weston is adorable! Congratulations! You have a beautiful family! We just had our 3rd little baby in September. He is a great baby too! We think of your family often! Please tell them all hello for me! I am so glad we are back in touch! Talk to you soon!
I am SO hoping for this baby to be like Weston!!! :) Let's just say my girls weren't that easy as newborns and one still isn't. :) Maybe it's a girl thing and boys are just easier... not so dramatic & emotional?? :) Hope your hubby's surgery goes well!
Howard had to have his tonsils out as an adult. It was a difficult recovery but it was worth it. He was so sick all the time prior to the surgery. I bet it will be worth it for Drew.
I've always heard some babies are hard as infants but easy as teenagers. Won't it be great if Autumn is an easy teenager??
I will say I find boys to be easier. Of course, I have much more experience with them than girls. Weston is adorable!! Cone to Texas so I can hold him before he gets too big.Hugs~ Cheree
you have beautiful kids, and hope Drew recovers well.
Cute, cute pictures. I'm glad your enjoying it and are happy, and that your taking pictures.
How cute! I hope I have a baby like Weston too! I would be so cranky if I had to get up all the time in the middle of the night. We will keep you and Drew in our prayers, that his tonsil removal and recovery goes well :)
I'm so glad you are enjoying Weston and that he is such a good baby and sleeper. That is contributing a lot to your good mood. If only all babies realized that mom just needs a good nights sleep to be happy!!
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