Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 Year and 1 Year Well Checks

My little man turned 3 Jan 13th. We had such a great time celebrating him that weekend. Bailey turned one back in Dec. but I decided to wait and do her well check when I did Westons because our pediatrician is 35 min. away.

Westons stats:

Weight- 37.8 lbs. 90th%
Height- 40 in. 95%

When the doctor looked at him she said, "He's the size of an average 4 year old." I knew he was a big kid, but that really put it into perspective. And it's true, he wears the same size clothes and shoes as his 4 1/2 year old sister.  Love this kid. He is funny, talkative, sensitive, affectionate and my favorite son. :) He loves his dad and is always asking, "Where's my best friend dad?" when he is at work.

Baileys stats:

Weight- 19 lbs. 13 oz. 20th%
Length- 30 in. 55%
Head Circ. 45 1/2 cm 75th

Bailey is on the smaller size but she has remained consistent on the growth curve and so we don't need to worry. :) She is smart, loves digging in the trash, plays really well with Autumn, and is very funny. Being the baby this girl holds a special place in our heart.

I am glad we have break from birthdays until May. Between Baileys birthday, Christmas, New Years, and Westons birthday I am exhausted by the middle of Jan.

1 comment:

Rebel said...

Awww. I can't wait to see y'all in March! YEAH!