We are a week and a half away from my due date and we are feeling the crunch. Last night we went to the grocery store and bought a months worth of groceries, leaving not even an inch of spare space in my cabinets and freezer. But it's nice to see all that food and know that if Weston comes tomorrow or in a week not having food in the house won't be an issue. Drew has Thurs. off and we plan to do a "deep clean" which anyone who knows me knows I am not the cleaning type. I basically straighten up and wipe things off. But last night with the groceries we bought some cleaning supplies we knew we lacked and Thurs. will be the big day where Drew gets to spend his day off with me cleaning, scrubbing, dusting, and sterilizing everything so when Weston comes home, he can come home to a clean home. (Plus my brother will be here this weekend and my mom flies into town to help us out for a few weeks on Mon.)
I have gotten Autumn and Weston's room ready. I am quite proud of myself, I did these at the beginning of the month. I have one more project I was planning for their room, but I might cancel that. I am running out of wall space in their room.
What started out as this:

Became this:

And here it is hanging with Autumn's name above the crib.

I also painted a shelf, and decorated it with their names and some decals. This is above the changing station. Now it has lots of cute stuff on top of it, Autumns princess stuff on her side and Weston has Tigger stuff on his; but I haven't taken any recent pictures, these are pics from when I first hung everything up.

It's surreal to know it can be any day now, and lately when I call people they ask if I am in the hospital or if I have some big news for them. Being 9 months pregnant puts everyone on edge when they see my name on their caller ID. I am glad I didn't have a Christmas baby, and hope to not have a new years baby. My brothers birthday is Jan 5th so I would like to avoid that day too...but Weston will gladly be welcomed anyday before the 11th!