Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thumb Sucker

Autumn was sucking her thumb before she was born! Here's proof!
She still sucks her thumb, and it was always really nice not having to keep up with pacifiers for her.
Well Weston came along, spent 6 days in the NICU and became attached to a pacifier (because those lovely angel nurses in the NICU used a pacifier to hold him off from feeding so he didn't eat every hour...they trained him to be on a 3 hour schedule. Something I did with Autumn as an infant.)
And in the last week or so every once in awhile I hear this loud wet sucking noise when he is sleeping, sure enough...he has picked up his sister's habit. We think it's so dang cute. He curls his pointer finger around his nose. Adorable! Unlike Autumn though, Weston sucks on his finger all the time, Autumn only sucks her thumb when she is sleeping.


alisa said...

Ahhhh...adorable! I love the one showing his little finger on top of his nose! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Love thumb suckers... mine never were. I think babies look so adorable when they do that. :) Such cute kids you have!!

Kerrie said...

Cute. My kids never used a pacifier either, but they never picked up thumb sucking for some reason. I thought Jackson would, but then he stopped. Morgan sucks on her tongue or the rough of her mouth to sleep and I've noticed Jackson doing the same thing. I never really wanted to use pacifiers either. To big of an ordeal if they drop them while you're driving or in the middle of the night.

Christy said...

that is really cute. I need to come see him. He's growing too fast.

Cindy Ardis said...

So cute. He's really got the hang of that. I love it, you were a thumb sucker, so cute.

Becca said...

Aw that is too precious!! I never had a thumb sucker. well not after they came out. Jarrin was so attached to his binki we couldnt break him of it til after Mason was born. and Mason kinda liked it but was done with it at 6 months. i love thumb suckers though.